Mommy Makeover Surgery

Change Your Life with Mommy

Makeover Surgery 

Real Plastic Surgeons.

Real Results. 

By Amy Sprole, MD, and Joseph Spaniol, MD

Real Plastic Surgeons.

Real Results.

By Amy Sprole, MD, and Joseph Spaniol, MD 

Real Patients. Real Results. 

Our real Plastic Surgery Center patient appreciated the care and professionalism she received at the Plastic Surgery Center. Read about her mommy makeover surgery, which included a saline implant exchanged for silicone, a tummy tuck, and liposuction. 

Tell us about your journey to mommy makeover surgery.

PSC Patient: I have been getting facials and Botox for years and loved the staff, so I was comfortable with the practice. I got saline implants over 20 years ago in another state and started to notice them deflating. I knew I needed to have them replaced, so I went in for a consultation. Dr. Sprole recommended silicone implants and I decided to have a tummy tuck at the same time. 

Describe the days after the procedure: 

PSC Patient: I knew I wanted an Exparel block, which is an injection that provides pain relief after surgery. Dr. Sprole agreed and said that would really help with post-surgery pain. After the surgery, I didn’t have any pain in my chest, but I did have manageable tummy pain. I slept in a recliner and took pain pills for about a week. I went out to dinner at one week and was back to work in two. 

When did you notice your results? 

PSC Patient: I noticed them immediately. My husband and sister-in-law were amazed at how much better I looked, and they couldn’t believe how good the incision was. 

Are you happy with your results? 

PSC Patient: Yes! I can now tuck in my shirt and feel confident. While I didn’t lose much weight, all that extra stomach skin is gone. Seeing the expression on my husband’s face as he said, “Now I can see why you wanted to do it,” was wonderful. There was nothing I could do about the extra skin except surgery, and I am so glad I did it. 

Do you have advice for people considering mommy makeover surgery? 

PSC Patient: Just do it. It feels so good not to have to cover up! I wish I had done it sooner so I could have enjoyed the results longer. Don’t overdo it after surgery — you’ll have better results. Let someone else take care of you for at least the first week. Don’t be scared. It’s totally worth it. 

Many women come to us because they can’t get rid of extra skin and fat after pregnancy, childbirth, breast feeding, aging or extreme weight loss. These things can leave a lasting mark on a woman’s body. Diet and exercise may help, but often bodies can only be tightened through surgery. 


If you’ve tried diet and exercise, but you have sagging skin, a post-baby “bump” on your tummy, or breasts that don’t feel like they used to, a mommy makeover can help you reclaim your body so you look and feel like you again. 


Mommy makeovers are a combination of cosmetic procedures that reshape and enhance your body at any age. They may include: 


• Breast surgery, including breast augmentation, breast lift or breast reduction 

• Tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) or mini tummy tuck (targets only the lower tummy) to correct stretched and loose skin 

• Liposuction to contour problem areas 


With a mommy makeover, you and your surgeon discuss your goals and create a plan. Your first step to getting your body back and renewing your self-confidence is a consultation with one of our expert plastic surgeons. 

Plastic surgery involves many choices — the most important is selecting a surgeon you can trust. Expect exceptional results when your procedures are performed by plastic surgeons certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, like Dr. Sprole and Dr. Spaniol. These specially trained doctors have at least six years of surgical training and experience, with a minimum of three years of plastic surgery.

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