Learning Brought to Life

Learning Brought to Life

Khan Lab School Wichita

Written by Julie Hying

Khan Lab School Wichita

Written by Julie Hying

Kyle Ellison, founding director

Where to Find Them

Khan Lab School Wichita

703 E. Douglas Avenue 

Suite 250 

Wichita, KS 67202 



This fall, a unique approach in education will be available to the youth in our community at Khan Lab School Wichita. Located in the space directly south of Wichita’s historic Union Station, the new construction offers classrooms and dedicated lab spaces with high-tech capabilities, as well as several outdoor landings where students can gather and learn. The bright, inviting workspaces provide ample comfort and equipment to inspire student learning.


Chosen as the second site in the nation for a Khan Lab School, this approach pairs the established Khan Academy learning model of online, foundational, core learning curriculum with an array of student choice and project-based models that students can explore to further their independent learning and achieve mastery in various subject and skill areas.


Founding Director Kyle Ellison shares what is unique about this lab school. “There is great support here for student choice, so that students can explore what they are interested in and passionate about while learning challenging concepts. Rather than only asking students what they would like to learn about, we ask them what problems they want to solve.


“By partnering with the community in the afternoon, kids can learn more about 

the community while increasing their own involvement and ultimately adding value to their lives.”


Ellison’s love of working with kids began long ago and grew throughout his five-year involvement with Hero’s Academy (formerly Real Men, Real Heroes), a non-profit mentoring program here in Wichita. He also serves our community as a current board member of the Wichita Chamber of Commerce. With a business background and a passion for supporting kids and helping them grow, leading a Khan Lab School, as well as shaping a school with creative learning potential, seemed a perfect fit. 


In this initial year, Khan Lab School Wichita will have two full-time teachers in-house, one whose expertise resides in the humanities while the other teaches math and science. They also embrace the village approach to the learning model, so that afternoons can also include bringing in members of the community, subject matter experts and community programs like Storytime Village to enhance the students’ day of learning.


Although they enjoy traditional school hours, the afternoon flexibility allows students to experience real-world connections and opportunities other schools can only facilitate through after-school programs. It affords job shadowing, off-site learning and more hands-on, real-life education. At present, the new learning journey at Khan Lab School includes grades four through nine, and there are plans to include other grade levels. 


With this unique support to student learning, interest and investment can flourish beyond the traditional classroom. With an emphasis on creating a culture of learning, Khan Lab School is fostering invested, lifelong learning. Ellison says, “Our program combines foundational learning, inspired educators and community partners that allow students to practice skills and explore subjects, so they may become intelligent, deep thinkers, capable problem solvers, and untimely, contributing members of an outstanding community.” 

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